Prediction From the Start to the End

This is the third element of the Big Bang of Data SciencePrediction from the Start to The End.

I don’t want to stick to that abstract and direct definition from the academic book, on the meaning of prediction, but from the industrial one. So, I believe PREDICTION is the co-concertmaster that sits in the third chair of the highest leadership position among all the other parts that are responsible for the outcome of a product that is good, successful, and intelligent. The first two elements from the Big Bang of Data Science, these are Research from the Start to the End and Analysis from the start to the End; were responsible to outcome a product that is GOOD, SUCCESSFUL, of course with main characteristic of being a quality one, the technical name of this product is known as analytical model. However, we knew back then that product leaks an important characteristic that to be INTELLIGENT. We have discussed the fact that to enhance that feature of intelligence into the equation of your product, then you must factor in the FUTURE. This book material offers you a comprehensive understanding from abstract and applied perspective on every window to become AI Models Creator. Find more details from the documentation site of the book, as well as the recorded lectures!

A ramp along a curved wall in the Kiasma Museu, Helsinki, Finland

Video Introduction to Prediction from the Start to the End